Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Modern Manners Q&A of 1931

Some rules of manners are “modern” but most are in style during every era… “What is an inexorable rule at formal dinners? Talk to those sitting next to you, never across the table.”
1931’s “Modern Etiquette”

Q. May a hostess ever invite a woman to any social function, without her husband?
A. Yes; an invitation to the husband is not obligatory.
Q. What is the old belief concerning the custom of the bride's throwing her bouquet to the bridesmaids? 
A. That the one catching it will be the first to be married.


Q. When in boxes at the theatre or opera, where does the host generally sit? 
A. Directly behind his wife.


Q. To what two rooms are the butler's duties confined?
A. The dining room and the drawing room.


Q. What is an inexorable rule at formal dinners?   
A. Talk to those sitting next to you, never across the table.


Q. If you get in someone's way, or have seemed to be discourteous, what should you do?

A. Be ready with a polite "I'm sorry," or "I beg your pardon."– By Roberta Lee, Tulare Daily Times, 1931

🍽Etiquette Enthusiast, Maura J. Graber, is the Site Editor for the Etiquipedia© Etiquette Encyclopedia 

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