Thursday, August 8, 2024

Mid 20th C. Smoking Etiquette

Hostesses who do not smoke should provide ashtrays for their guests. True or False?

Doing the Right Thing… To smoke? Or not to smoke?

In spite of public awareness of the dangers of excessive smoking, hundreds of thousands of Americans continue to enjoy their cigarettes, their pipes, and their cigars.

On the other hand, there are an equal number or more people who not only do not smoke themselves, but object strenuously to the habit of others. With some it is a physical reaction to the smoke, with others it is a moral question, and others simply dislike the smell and the mess it creates.

To keep peace between the two camps there are definite rules which should be observed. If you are a smoker, the following quiz may point out some of your faults to you. If you are not, the questions and answers may help you have more tolerance toward those who do enjoy smoking.

1. “No smoking” signs apply only to cigarettes.
True or False?
A. False. They mean no smoking at all, and that includes pipes and cigars.

2. If there are no ashtrays on a formal dinner table, you may use the edge of your plate. True or False?
A. False. If there are no ashtrays, it means that the hostess prefers that you do not smoke until after the meal, or until ashtrays and cigarettes are placed on the table.

3. Cigar smokers should ask permission to smoke at a party where there are ladies present. True or False?
A. True. Cigar smoke is repugnant to many, and actually sickening to some people.

4. A smoker should never light his cigarette without offering one to those nearest him. True or False?
A. True. He need not, however, offer smokes to everyone in a group or at a large table.

5. People sitting on a patio or in a garden may throw their cigarette stubs onto the lawn or terrace. 
True or False?
A. False. This was all right before the days of filter tips, but these tips do not burn up and can make an unsightly mess of the garden.

6. Spectators at sports events may smoke whether their neighbors do or not. True or False?
A. True. But they should hold their cigarettes in such a way that the smoke does not drift into anyone’s face.

7. It is permissible to smoke in the area behind the seats in a legitimate theater. True or False?
A. False. Smoking is not permitted in any part of the theater proper. Wait until you reach the outer lobby or sidewalk.

8. A man should light a woman’s cigarette for her. 
True or False?
A. True, if he is close by. He need not get up or cross a room to do so. Women who smoke should carry their own lighters or matches.

9. It is never correct to smoke on the dance floor. 
True or False?
A. True. It is not only unattractive, but dangerous.

10. Hostesses who do not smoke should provide ashtrays for their guests. True or False?
A. True. A hostess’ first consideration is to make her guests comfortable, and unless smoke is physically harmful to someone present, she should tolerate the fact that some will want to smoke. – By Elizabeth L. Post of the Emily Post Institute, 1969

 🍽Etiquette Enthusiast, Maura J. Graber, is the Site Editor or the Etiquipedia© Etiquette Encyclopedia  

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