Monday, May 27, 2024

Etiquette of the Flag

When the flag is passing in a parade all persons present should stand at attention and salute. Those in uniform should render the right hand salute; when not in uniform men should remove head dress with the right hand and hold it over the left shoulder, hand being over heart. Women should salute by facing the flag, right hand over heart. When the national anthem (Star Spangled Banner) is played, all present should stand and face toward the music. If the flag is present, a salute to the flag should be given. The flag is the symbol of a living nation, a nation that leads the world in providing comforts and a high standard of living for its citizens. Let’s pay our respects to the flag and display it in the proper manner.– Healdsburg Tribune, 1927

Memorial Day and the Flag

On This Day We Pay Tribute to Veterans of All Wars  
On Memorial Day the American flag is displayed at half-staff from sunrise until noon, and at full-staff from noon until sunset, for the Nation Lives and the flag is the symbol of the Living Nation. –Merced Sun-Star, May 1924


  🍽Etiquette Enthusiast, Maura J. Graber, is the Site Editor for the Etiquipedia© Etiquette Encyclopedia

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