Thursday, May 16, 2024

1830’s Tables and Arrangements

“… the prudent housekeeper will endeavour to secure variety and avoid extravagance, taking care not to have two dishes nearly alike (such as fowls and veal, or ducks and pork); and also avoiding, when several sorts are required, to have such as are quickly perishable, or will not bear rewarming or eating cold.” – The Housekeeper’s Guide, 1838

In providing for a family or for company the prudent housekeeper will endeavour to secure variety and avoid extravagance, taking care not to have two dishes nearly alike (such as fowls and veal, or ducks and pork); and also avoiding, when several sorts are required, to have such as are quickly perishable, or will not bear rewarming or eating cold. It is surprising how much waste is occasioned if these principles are overlooked in providing for a party.

When a large table is to be set out, and present at once a tasty appearance, it is usual to place nearly the whole provision at once; but if comfort is the object, it is much better to have each dish, and its accompanying sauces and vegetables sent up hot and hot.

For plain family dinners, soup or pudding is placed at the head of the table, and meat at the lower end: vegetables straight on each side of the middle, and sauce boats in the middle. Boiled meat at top; roast meat at bottom; soup in the middle. Then the vegetables and sauce boats at cross corners of the middle dish. 

Poultry or veal at top; ham or bacon in the middle, roast beef or mutton at bottom; boiled poultry at top; roast poultry or game at bottom. Vegetables and sauces so disposed as that the whole table shall present a covered appearance without being crowded.

Where there are several courses, the first consists of soups, stews, boiled fish, fricassees; poultry with ham, bacon, tongue or chine; and roast or boiled meats.

For second courses, birds and game of all sorts; fish fried, pickled, or potted; pigeon pies, patties, brawn, omelets, oysters stewed or scalloped, and lobsters or crabs.

Tarts, cheese-cakes, and sweet dishes of all kinds are sometimes placed with the second course, but more frequently form a separate course by themselves.

Cheese is sometimes accompanied on the table by things of a high relish, such as Dutch pickled herring, dried or potted salmon, anchovies, etc.. and generally by salad, cucumbers, and radishes.

The dessert is usually served in another room, which is a great accommodation both to the servants who can prepare it at leisure, and to the guests in quitting the smell of a hot dinner. 

A d'oyley, a finger glass, two wine glasses, china dessert plate, and silver knife, fork, and spoon, to each person. Every variety of fruit, fresh or preserved, is admissible, also biscuits and pound cake, with an epergne or stand of jellies in the middle. Varieties of wine are generally placed at each end.

The modern practice of dining late has given importance to the luncheon, and almost annihilated the supper meal. The following are suitable for either: soups, sandwiches of ham, tongue, dried sausage, or beef; anchovy toast or rusks; potted beef, lobster, or cheese; dried salmon, lobsters, cray fish, or oysters; poached eggs; patties; pigeon pies; sausages; toast with marrow (served on a water plate); mashed or scalloped potatoes; asparagus, brocoli, or sea-kale with toast; creams, jellies, puffs, cheese-cakes, preserved or dried fruits, salads, radishes, 
etc..., etc…

When a more substantial supper is desired it generally consists of either game, poultry, or fish: slices of cold meat; pies of pigeons, chicken, or game; rations or toasted cheese; lamb or mutton chops; cold poultry broiled with high seasoning, or fricasséed.—From “The Housekeeper's Guide: Or, A Plain & Practical System of Domestic Cookery,” by Esther Copley, 1838

🍽️Etiquette Enthusiast, Maura J. Graber, is the Site Editor for the Etiquipedia© Etiquette Encyclopedia

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