Thursday, May 30, 2024

Foul Hotel Manners Cause Trouble

Holiday Village Red Sea is threatening guests with eviction and a £1,400 fine for pooping in the pool

‘Code Brown’: Hotel threatens £1,400 fines to rowdy Brits caught “pooing” in swimming pools in disgusting new “logging” craze that exposes guests to harmful bacteria

• Disturbing trend responsible for infecting innocent holiday-makers
• Egyptian resort threatens to evict and prosecute party poopers
• Pools at Turkish resort have been repeatedly closed due to floating faeces
• Holiday makers will be hit with £1,400 if caught pooping in the pool

Rowdy teens, students and boozed up Brits are behind a revolting new craze that encourages people to deliberately defecate in hotel pools while on holiday.

Travel experts say the troubling trend, known as ‘logging’, is responsible for thousands of innocent holidaymakers becoming infected with harmful bacteria that causes diarrhoea and sickness and could result in irritable bowel syndrome and even death in extreme cases.

The party poopers are purposely ruining holiday-makers’ getaways without realising or caring about the threat they are posing to fellow guests.

Warning: Letter sent warning guests about the craze from Holiday Village Red Sea

At least one hotel has issued a stern warning to guests after its pools were fouled several times, and reps for tour operators are calling the vile incidents ‘code browns’.

While it is believed teens or young adults are mostly responsible, children as young as 10 are now believed to be taking part.

Travel law expert Nick Harris, of Simpson Millar solicitors, said the ‘worrying’ craze has taken off in the last few years.

He said: ‘We have dealt with hundreds of cases where people have been left seriously ill. Some idiots think it is humorous to deliberately poo in a crowded pool and then sit back and watch the carnage unfold as people try to escape the pool like a panic scene from the film Jaws.’

He said: ‘We have seen cases where people have had to have their bowels removed due to catching serious infections form people going in the pool.’

Harris said the law firm has already received more than 20 claims this season from traveler's who became ill after being in a hotel pool.
Revolting craze: Experts say 'logging' is exposing innocent holiday-makers to harmful bacteria

Fouling has become such a problem at a resort in Egypt that staff at the Holiday Village Red Sea are now threatening guests with eviction and a £1,400 fine for pooping in the pool.

The resort in Sharm el-Sheikh, on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, circulated a letter vowing to get to the bottom of what it suspects is a deliberate trend.

The letter reads: ‘There have been numerous instances of excrement being found in the pools lately. We understand that accidents can happen, but the frequency of this suggests that it no longer remains accidental.

‘As a consequence all guests are being massively inconvenienced for several hours during pool closure whilst the hotel adds additional chemicals to the pool and backwash.’

The resort is asking guests to be vigilant and report anyone acting suspiciously to staff.

Guests are being told to stay out of the water if they have an upset stomach and put swimming nappies on their babies.

The dangerous bacteria could result in irritable bowel syndrome and even death in extreme cases

Problems have also been reported at Turkish, Greek and Spanish resorts that are popular with Brits.

Pools at Holiday Village Turkey in Sarigerme, Turkey have been closed up to nine times in the last few weeks due to floating faeces. Guests are being warned over loudspeakers.

A spokeswoman for First Choice, the company that runs the Holiday Village resorts, said the incidents are beyond its control.

She said: ‘Once we have been notified of an incident, hotel staff members ensure that all customers leave the pool immediately and then put the pool water through an extensive filtration system.’

Dr Lisa Ackerly, Visiting Professor of Environmental Health at University of Salford and an expert on holiday illnesses, said: ‘It's becoming a really serious problem and I have come across it before when investigating illness in hotels.

'Many hotels now have CCTV to keep an eye on the situation, as it can occur at night when the pool is unguarded.

‘This totally unacceptable and selfish behaviour causes a serious health risk and massive inconvenience and expense to tour operators and other holidaymakers. What pranksters don't realise is that in many countries this could be seen as a criminal act, which could have serious consequences that they hadn't considered.’ – From Mail Online, 2014

  🍽Etiquette Enthusiast, Maura J. Graber, is the Site Editor for the Etiquipedia© Etiquette Encyclopedia

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