Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Etiquette in “Fine Manners”

Squabs should not be gnawed from the fingers - they, must be dismembered with a fork on the plate. – Lobby card for the 1926 film Fine Manners.

“Don't Gnaw Squab From the Fingers,” Advice in Gloria Swanson's Latest Picture

Under the head of “etiquette,” on a poster advertising Gloria Swanson's latest Paramount starring production, “Fine Manners,” which starts showing at the Victoria Theatre next Sunday, the following has been observed:
  • Peas should not be eaten with a knife-sword swallowers are de trop in good society.
  • Don't drink from a finger bowl - someone may have used it before you.
  • Squabs should not be gnawed from the fingers - they, must be dismembered with a fork on the plate.
  • Asparagus should be gently nibbled from the fingers.
  • Don't tuck a napkin under your pearl necklace– you might break the string and lose your beads.
  • If you get a spot on the tablecloth, cover it with your glass.
All of which gives one. some slight idea of the laughs in store for the movie goers, who see Gloria as a little burlesque chorus girl taking a course in “Fine Manners.” Eugene O’Brien plays opposite the star. – San Pedro News Pilot, 1926

🍽Etiquette Enthusiast, Maura J. Graber, is the Site Editor for the Etiquipedia© Etiquette Encyclopedia 

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