Thursday, September 12, 2024

Etiquette for Tardy Dinner Guests

Tardiness for dinner being one of the cardinal social sins, the detained guest should certainly call his hostess on the telephone, explain his delay and insist that she shall not wait for him. On his arrival he should go to her and offer a profound apology.

How long should dinner wait for a tardy guest? This question I am asked continually.

Not more than 15 minutes at the most. Tardiness for dinner being one of the cardinal social sins, the detained guest should certainly call his hostess on the telephone, explain his delay and insist that she shall not wait for him. On his arrival he should go to her and offer a profound apology.

Reader's Questions Answered

Dear Miss Markel: Recently I was bridesmaid at the wedding of a close friend. I gave her a wedding gift. Do I have any other "musts" regarding this? –Anne

Answer: Wedding attendants, whether best man, maid of honor, bridesmaid or usher, owe a social call to the mother of the bride.

Courtesy and etiquette demand that within three weeks after the wedding you pay your respects in this manner to the family of the girl who was thoughtful enough to have included you among her very best friends.

All wedding guests, too, are expected to call. You might also entertain in honor of the bride and groom, if you wish. – Francine Markel, 1939

🍽Etiquette Enthusiast, Maura J. Graber, is the Site Editor for the Etiquipedia© Etiquette Encyclopedia 

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