Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Etiquette for Travel and More, 1937

The cost of your room and meals, tips to hotel porters who carry your luggage and any other expenditures which you personally incur should be paid by you.

Dear Miss Markel- I have been invited to go on an automobile trip with four of my friends. Please tell me just what share of the expenses are mine? – Judy

Answer- The cost of your room and meals, tips to hotel porters who carry your luggage and any other expenditures which you personally incur should be paid by you.

You should offer to share the cost of gasoline, oil and garage rent for the car. Perhaps your friends will not allow you to assume any share of these items, but you will feel more comfortable for having offered to pay.

Some people on joint trips, such as this, add up the entire expenses of the trip and divide it by the number of travelers (five in your case) each bearing an equal part.
Dear Miss Markel- I am to be married and intend to continue working. How should I sign checks, receipts and other papers that require my name-Mrs. Mary Smith, Mary Smith or Mrs. J. Smith? J. L. D.

Answer– “Miss” or “Mrs.” should never be used in a woman’s signature. You should sign your name: Mary Smith. – By Francine Markel, 1937

🍽Etiquette Enthusiast, Maura J. Graber, is the Site Editor for the Etiquipedia© Etiquette Encyclopedia

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