Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Etiquette of Hollywood Films

Never ask another actor what he is doing unless you know he is working. It is embarrassing for him to admit that he is “between pictures.” – Public domain image of Golden Globe winner, Mervyn LeRoy, the man who promoted etiquette for the blossoming film industry in Hollywood.



HOLLYWOOD, March 18 (AP)- A treatise on the etiquette of the movies is being prepared by Mervyn LeRoy, scenario writer with Colleen Moore.
Here are some of the rules he lays down: 
  • Never ask another actor what he is doing unless you know he is working. It is embarrassing for him to admit that he is “between pictures.”
  • Never ask an actor about his wife, nor an actress about her husband, unless you have read the morning paper.
  • Directors do not visit sets on which other directors are at work.
  • Three picture people, on parting, will go separate ways, in order that two will not be left to talk about the other. – San Pedro Daily Mail, 1927

🍽Etiquette Enthusiast, Maura J. Graber, is the Site Editor for the Etiquipedia© Etiquette Encyclopedia

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