Monday, September 16, 2024

Etiquette for Offices and Artichokes

Experience will teach you that those careful about these discretions are those who gain the promotions; that the careless ones mysteriously and suddenly lose their jobs.

The secretary who is cautious will never allow herself to participate in office criticism that may lose her place for her. Moreover, as long as one's livelihood is dependent upon an organization’s money, one should-in conversation at least-be loyal to its officers. Even when away from the office you should not discuss your employer's business. Experience will teach you that those careful about these discretions are those who gain the promotions; that the careless ones mysteriously and suddenly lose their jobs.

Reader's Question Answered

Dear Miss Markel- How should artichoke be eaten? D. D. Answer- With the fingers. Each leaf should be pulled off sepa- rately and held with the fingers while the edible end is dipped into the sauce. When all the leaves have been eaten the heart should be eaten with a fork after the thorny part has been scraped off with a knife. —Copyright,

🍽Etiquette Enthusiast, Maura J. Graber, is the Site Editor for the Etiquipedia© Etiquette Encyclopedia 

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