For a Silver Anniversary, “The lady is again called the bride, and her toilet is superb, supposing her position in the world justifies it. The flowers which she is expected to wear are large white ox eyes - known in France as reines marguerites. The bridegroom wears a dress coat.” – An1880’s Bridal Set. Design by M. Benoit (23, rue Royale), Drawing by L. Mesnil
A dinner is given, followed by a ball, which is opened by the newly remarried couple, the lady dancing with her eldest son and her husband with his eldest daughter. Golden weddings are much rarer than silver weddings. Death only allows a very small proportion of married people to live fifty years together. The ceremony is the same as in the case of silver weddings. There are now great-grandchildren as well as grandchildren present, and the old people open the ball with the eldest of the last generation of their decendants. -Paris Co. Boston Transcript, 1887
🍽️Etiquette Enthusiast, Maura J. Graber, is the Site Editor for the Etiquipedia© Etiquette Encyclopedia
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