Sunday, October 20, 2024

Royal Portuguese Etiquette and Regicide

 Seven magnificent royal palaces are kept up, with all the expense involved In the constant transfers of the large Court from one place to another. The Court itself is a hierarchy and has a ceremonial etiquette second only to that of Russia and Austria, and the personnel is certainly larger than that of Germany.– Public domain image of ‘The 1908 Regidice of Lisbon, as depicted in the French’ “Le Petit Journal

Portuguese Throne Tottering to Fall

Political Observers See Storm Cloud Coming to Wash Away Monarchy

Campaign Against Royal Family Will Be Made Openly at the Polls

LISBON, Feb. 25. - Whether or not a republic is eventually to supplant the monarchy in Portugal, it is practically the unanimous opinion here that the country soon will witness a violent political struggle, in which the life of the Monarchy may be at stake. The comparative tranquillity since the assassinations is simply a breathing spell in which the forces of the monarchy on the one hand and of popular government on the other are being marshaled for the fray. 

Since the assassinations of King Carlos and Crown Prince Luiz, the republicans have been joined by the dissident progressivists and they intend to make their campaign for a change of regime openly in the coming electoral contest. The exposure of political corruption, the manner in which an army of clients was maintained at the expense of the public treasury and above all the secret advances made to the royal family, they claim, have destroyed forever the prestige of the monarchy. 

Disinterested opinion, however, does not consider Portugal ripe for a republic: it believes, in fact, that the country under a popular regime in the present backward state of the masses would become a prey of the ambitions of politicians and like the Central American republics would be without stability.


Under present circumstances the course of the young King is most dangerous, as he has placed the destiny of the throne in the hands of the leaders of the two discredited old parties, men whose past prevents them from meeting their adversaries in the open field of political discussion, and who, the people will insist, must be disciplined.

The real weakness of the Monarchy in Portugal seems to be that it is top heavy. With its territory shrunken, its wealth withered, the people crushed by taxation, the national credit bankrupt 15 years ago, the bureaucracy and the Court are maintained on a scale almost as extensive as in the days of Portuguese world dominion and splendor.

Seven magnificent royal palaces are kept up, with all the expense involved In the constant transfers of the large Court from one place to another. The Court itself is a hierarchy and has a ceremonial etiquette second only to that of Russia and Austria, and the personnel is certainly larger than that of Germany.


It is here that the pruning hook must be applied in the reorganization of a country where half the taxes collected go to pay the interest on the state debt.

The students at the universities, as in Russia and other countries where revolution is being agitated, are playing a considerable role in Portugal, and as another factor in the situation the church may become prominent. The people are Catholic, but not clerical.

Foreign Intervention to sustain the Monarchy is not anticipated. Both Spain, the neighbor, and Great Britain, which practically dominated the foreign policies of Portugal, would undoubtedly like to see the present regime sustained. as would possibly other powers whose subjects have business interests in this country, but Great Britain, it is believed, would not attempt to interfere with the internal policies of the country.- The San Francisco Call, 1909

🍽Etiquette Enthusiast, Maura J. Graber, is the Site Editor for the Etiquipedia© Etiquette Encyclopedia

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