“Betting at cards is vulgar and something to be avoided. The habits of English society, however, sanction the staking of small sums, but even this is to be discountenanced as far as may be.” Vingt-et-un is French, and literally is translated to “twenty-one.” It's first known use was in 1772. Refers to American “Blackjack” when card playing. |
Entertaining and Card Playing
Refusing to Play —
Never urge any one who seems to be unwilling to play a game of cards. They may have conscientious scruples in the matter which must be respected.
It is not kind, however, to refuse to play, if conscience does not dictate the refusal, when a game cannot be made up without you.
Understanding, The Game —
Do not attempt to play, however, unless you know the game moderately well, for it is especially unjust, if you have a partner, to allow him or her to suffer through your ignorance.
Precedence In Cards —
In a game of cards married and elderly people take the precedence over young and unmarried ones.
Proposing A Game Of Cards —
It is the privilege of the host and hostess to suggest cards as a means of amusement for their guests. The latter should never call for them.
On the other hand, cards should not be brought out at every visit, because some might prefer conversation to playing.
It is best in large assemblages to furnish the cards and tables, and allow the guests to play or not at their option, now and then exercising a little friendly aid in seeking for people disposed to play in making up a game.
New Cards —
New cards should be provided on every occasion.
Husband And Wife Playing Together —
Husband and wife should not play together in the same game, either as partners or antagonists, for they are so well acquainted with each other's modes of playing that they possess an unfair" advantage over others.
Cheating At Cards —
Never violate the rules of a game, and by all means never be guilty of cheating. If, however, you detect another guilty of either of these breaches of good manners, either point out the error or the intentional wrong in a quiet manner or let it pass.
Never get excited or lose your temper. People who are liable to these irregularities had best abstain from playing altogether.
"Whist" —
Do not keep up a continuous conversation during a game, which will distract your own mind and that of others from the cards. Give your whole attention to the matter in hand, and procure at least comparative silence. "Whist" is defined in Webster "a game of cards so called because it requires silence and close attention."
Haste In Playing —
Never hurry any one who is playing. It is necessary, in playing their best, that they should take their own time without interruption.
Betting At Cards —
Betting at cards is vulgar and something to be avoided. The habits of English society, however, sanction the staking of small sums, but even this is to be discountenanced as far as may be.
Meddling With The Cards —
Never finger the cards whilst they are being dealt. Not only do not actually look at the cards before they are all dealt out, but do not seem to do so. Let your cards lie before you until all are dealt and you are at liberty to take them in your hand.
Chess And Other Games —
The rules of etiquette concerning cards apply with equal force to chess and all other games of skill or chance.
Knowledge Of Cards And Other Games —
It is desirable, unless we have religious scruples in the matter, that we should all have a tolerable knowledge of these various games, in order that we may contribute to the amusement of others, and not run the risk of being accused of being selfish and impolite.— E.B. Duffey, 1877
♠️Etiquette Enthusiast, Maura J. Graber, is the Site Editor for the Etiquipedia© Etiquette Encyclopedia