Thursday, June 27, 2024

Taft’s Diplomacy Etiquette Gaffe

Public domain image of  the President of Brazil, from 1910-1914, Hermes da Fonseca 
Cabinet on Vacation, and No One to Receive President Montt and Gen. Fonseca

[Special to The Herald] WASHINGTON, July 30.-Official Washington is in a disturbed frame of mind as to just how to welcome Gen. Hermes da Fonseca, president-elect of Brazil, and President Pedro Montt of Chile, who are soon to arrive in this country. Both of these distinguished officials of friendly nations have observed the most punctilious etiquette in the reception of American diplomats visiting their respective countries and have all the South American regard for the formalities due exalted rank or official station.

Yet, with President Montt due to arrive in New York August 2 and President-elect Fonseca de early in September, practically every prominent official of the United States is away o a vacation to extend all summer and there is no one in Washington who on a strict basis of official etiquette is entitled to act as host for the United States to its distinguished guests. President Taft and all the members of his cabinet have deserted the capital for cooler climes and none shows an ardent desire to return for a round of State dinners and official receptions in either August or September.

A ray of hope has lightened the dismal prospect through the announcement that President Montt, who is in seriously poor health and is making the trip for his health, will accept no official entertainment and will probably make a similar announcement concerning his Washington visit. Still, his rank calls for official recognition of some sort and the question of who shall extend it is proving most bothersome.


As for General Fonseca, he is in the best of health and in the full pride of his newly acquired high office. He must be received, must be feted and someone has got to come back to the capital and be on the job with the thermometer at 100 when the distinguished Brazilian arrives.

.Just now General Fonseca is in Germany and Emperor William has invited him to be his guest at the German naval maneuvers off Kiel at the end of August. General Fonseca, it is announced to- day, has accepted. After a two weeks’ stay in Germany, where he will be entertained by various persons, he expects to go to Paris, returning for the naval maneuvers. Then he will go to England and sail for the United States. – The Los Angeles Herald, 1910

  🍽️Etiquette Enthusiast, Maura J. Graber, is the Site Editor for the Etiquipedia© Etiquette Encyclopedia

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