Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Talking Brides Breach Etiquette

An artist’s depiction of a traditional Korean wedding in 1889


If This Bride Says a Word She Becomes an Object of Ridicule

In Korea, during the whole of the marriage day the bride must be as mute as a statue. If she says a word, or even makes a sign, she becomes an object of ridicule; and her silence must remain unbroken, even in her own room, though her husband should attempt to break it by taunts, jeers or coaxing, for the female servants are all on the watch for such a breach of etiquette as speech, hanging about the doors and chinks to catch up and re- peat even a single utterance, which would cause her to lose caste forever in her circle. 

This custom of silence is observed with the greatest rigidity among the higher classes. It may be a week or several months before the husband knows the sound of his wife's voice, and even after that, for a length of time, she only opens her mouth for necessary speech. With the father-in-law the custom of silence is still more rigid, and the daughter-in-law often passes years without raising her eyes to his or addressing a word to him. In Bulgaria, a month’s silence is imposed on brides, unless specially addressed by her husband.— San Jose Mercury News, 1899

 🍽Etiquette Enthusiast, Maura J. Graber, is the Site Editor for the Etiquipedia© Etiquette Encyclopedia

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