Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Poise and Avoiding Slips in Etiquette

Giggling at compliments? So embarrassing! Be clever and exhibit poise.
Be Clever and Avoid Such Etiquette Slips

So embarrassing! You looked so sophisticated and charming to the vacation crowd. Then you got a compliment and fell all over yourself.

But compliments, like everything else in social life, are just a matter of etiquette.

If you receive them with a titter and an, “Aw, you don't mean that.” you betray a sad lack of manners.

But if you smile graciously, say, “You’re nice to say so.” you show poise and breeding. And how it helps to have a reputation for perfect manners! 

Invitations a-plenty for the girl who knows enough not to rise when she’s introduced to men: who says good-bye to the sponsors at a dance; who to an apology, says a quiet, “It doesn’t matter.” And so few invitations come to girls who don’t.

Know what's expected of you- at dances, dinners, motoring – all occasions. – The Santa Ana Journal, Home Service, 1937

  🍽Etiquette Enthusiast, Maura J. Graber, is the Site Editor for the Etiquipedia© Etiquette Encyclopedia

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